Happy People Create Better Software.

You Can Help

Hint is on a mission to help software teams reach their full potential.

Our clients deserve an experience that is reliable, understandable, and delivers results while maximizing investment. Developers deserve security, enrichment, and fulfillment—personally as well as professionally. Every day we're building towards a development process where everyone wins and we’re looking for like-minded developers and project leaders to join in our mission.

People matter. That's the core of what we believe and who we are as a team. We’re focused on kindness and integrity to our colleagues, our customers, and our community. We work together as a team and learn with humility and enthusiasm to develop our craft as software developers. Together we accomplish things that would be impossible alone. We invest in each other through pairing & mentorship both on and off the clock. Our accomplishments are recognized by each other, and when we make mistakes, we learn together.

🌱 Let's grow together.

We're a small team now, with a bright future—one which you'll help define. Diversity isn't just about making better software; it's about making each other better. We're building a culture that welcomes different perspectives, experiences and identities. If you look at our team and don't see yourself, give us a chance! We'll grow Hint together.

Interested? Email us at join@hint.io

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