We partnered with Angi to upgrade their monolith to the latest version of Ruby and Rails with zero downtime, and without disrupting ongoing feature development.

case studies

Rails 6 Upgrade Best Practices

Is your app ready for the latest version of Rails? Follow these best practices to make your upgrade go as smoothly as possible.


Moderate Parameters: The Path From Protected Attributes to Strong Parameters

We all know Strong Parameters isn't exactly cutting edge technology. But with many apps still using Protected Attributes, we built a tool to bridge the gap. We call it Moderate Parameters.


Gems, Some of Our Favorites - PaperTrail + PaperTrailScrapbook

PaperTrail and PaperTrailScrapbook are two gems that can work in concert to track and view changes to your application's data. Today we take a look at how to get started, basic usage, examples, and a few caveats.

Upgrading CodePen

Our cofounder Joshua Wood was recently on the weekly CodePen.io podcast to discuss how we helped them upgrade their Rails app.

Case Study: CodePen Rails Upgrade

Check out a case study of how Hint helped CodePen.io upgrade their Rails app without impacting feature development!

How to Upgrade to Rails 5

Is your app ready for the latest version of Rails? Follow these steps/best practices to make your upgrade go as smoothly as possible.


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